My Trip Companion  - Your Self-Service Travel Portal

My Trip Companion - Your Self-Service Travel Portal

My Trip Companion - Your Self-Service Travel Portal

AXA Travel Insurance enhances Travel Assistance services with My Trip Companion 


A digital self-service portal 

In an era where digital transformation is pivotal, AXA’s My Trip Companion (MyTC) emerges to help redefine the paradigms of travel assistance. This innovative platform, leveraging Progressive Web App (PWA) technology, offers a seamless digital customer experience, aligning perfectly with the ethos of 'Digital when possible, human when it matters'. MyTC stands at the intersection of convenience and functionality, providing travelers with a comprehensive suite of assistance services right at their fingertips. 

Features of My Trip Companion 

MyTC is packed with an array of assistance features designed to cater to every traveler's needs. From real-time travel updates and navigation assistance to booking services and local recommendations, MyTC ensures that all the necessary tools are just a tap away. Its user-friendly interface guarantees that even the most tech-averse travelers can navigate the platform with ease.

Visa and Travel Requirements Assistance
In partnership with Sherpa, My Trip Companion offers comprehensive assistance with visa and travel requirements around the world. This service simplifies the often-complicated process of understanding and complying with international travel regulations, ensuring travelers are well-informed and prepared before their journeys begin.

MyCare Line: Personal Nurse Call-Back-Service
MyCare Line, serviced by AXA Medical Desk, provides a personal touch to digital travel assistance. This service allows users to request a call-back from a nurse, offering medical advice and support when it matters most. Whether dealing with minor health concerns or seeking guidance on health-related travel issues, MyCare Line is there to help.



Doctor Please!: International Teleconsultation
My Trip Companion introduces Doctor Please!, a service offering international teleconsultation via video or phone. This feature allows travelers to consult with doctors remotely, addressing health concerns without the need for a physical visit. It's especially valuable for addressing health queries or help discussing medical situations while abroad.

Access to Doctors & Hospitals Worldwide
Navigating foreign healthcare systems can be daunting. My Trip Companion, via AXA's International Medical Network (IMN), provides access to a global network of doctors and hospitals. This ensures travelers can find reputable medical care no matter where their adventures take them.

Integration of Health and Travel Services
The integration of health and travel services within My Trip Companion addresses a critical aspect of travel planning: safety and well-being. By offering services like visa assistance, medical consultations, and access to healthcare providers, My Trip Companion ensures that travelers have all the information and support they need for a safe and enjoyable trip.

Make a claim 
Understanding the claims process is crucial for travelers who might need to recover costs related to cancellations, medical emergencies, or other travel-related issues. Easily access the claims portal through My Trip Companion and begin the claims filing process. 

Installation and Accessibility
One of the most appealing aspects of My Trip Companion is its ease of installation. Users can add MyTC to their home screens with just a few simple steps, enabling instant access to its extensive features without the hassle of navigating through app stores. This process ensures that MyTC is readily available on any device, be it a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer, offering a truly universal travel companion.

The Future of Travel with My Trip Companion

My Trip Companion is not just a travel app; it's a comprehensive travel assistant that enhances the travel experience. With MyTC, travelers have a powerful tool at their disposal, ensuring that they are well-supported in managing the unforeseen, allowing them to focus on enjoying their travels with peace of mind.  As we look to the future, My Trip Companion continues to embody the ideal of 'Digital when possible, human when it matters', ensuring that travelers have the best of both worlds at their fingertips.

Travel assistance, medical assistance, and related assistance services are not insurance and are offered and administered by AXA Assistance USA, Inc. Please refer to your terms and conditions for a complete description of benefits, terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions. Services will be provided if permitted under applicable law. AXA Partners US operates as AXA Assistance USA, Inc. AXA Assistance cannot guarantee the availability of assistance services everywhere or under all conditions, as there may be times when circumstances beyond AXA’s control hinder its endeavors to provide services.

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